Capture 365: 34-40


Day 34/365: More warm weather! Seriously Colorado, what is going on with you this year? I'm not complaining, I just feel like I'm in the twilight zone or something. Maybe we'll have an early summer this year. This is Piper right after a complete melt down about cleaning her room which she finally finished. I love her wild Hermione hair. ♥

Day 35/365: The sky was so blue and beautiful!

Day 36/365: This guy is not easy to photograph. I'm sure I've mentioned that before. He stands a bit higher than my hips (I'm 5'6.5). Outside he's all puppy and loves to jump around. He looks so funny shaved and without all his floppy curls.

Day 37/365: We got up early and played for a while before school. This is rare, extremely rare. We aren't morning people. Piper is building a house for her ponies.

Day 38/365: Today was mommy & daughters day. I took the girls to the park for a bit and afterwards we went out for frozen yogurt (before dinner). It was nice having some much needed girly time.

Day 39/365: I love this tongue shot! She's so cute. ♥

Day 40/365: This is Steve. Or that's what I'm calling him. I feel like he's trying to tell us something and is not happy that no one is getting it. We came across him in the mountains on one of our random snow drives.

Take Care & Enjoy,
 ♥ Heather


  1. Her hair is so gorgeous.<3
    I once had a furbaby who looked like a shaved lamb every time we'd trim her fur. Hahaha
    Frozen yogurt sounds amazing before dinner. Now I want some!

    Vegetarian Courtesy


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