New Year, New Goals


Hello Friends! It's hard to believe 2014 is over but I am so thankful for new beginnings and what will hopefully be a better year. Last year was an especially hard year on us and it really challenged us to live financially tighter than we ever have before. With that behind us I'm so excited for a fresh start! Hello 2015!

I'm not usually one to make New Year resolutions but this year I've decided to make a list of goals to accomplish.

2015 Goals:

1. Put God first more and get back into a daily devotion routine. So to make sure I stick to it I'm going to start small and commit to 10-20 minutes each day on daily devotion. I speak about God often and pray daily but fall short when it comes to studying. I have been given tons of books over the years, so I'll be reading: Daily GuidePosts 2009 (I started it but never even finished the first month, no need to buy a new one when I never finished this one)

2. Blog more! I always says this but never keep it up! So here it goes. I goal to post at least 2 times a week but hope to blog 4-5 times a week. (baby steps!)

3. 365 photo project! I started this last year on Facebook/Instagram but around month two I fell flat, got behind, and then quit. This morning, while waking up, I was surfing my bloglovin list and saw The Dainty Squids post about her 365 Photo Project. Kaylah inspired me to give it another go. So with renewed excitement I'm determined to finish this year! I'll post my daily photos once a week on here. Check back for my first set.

4. Learn how to shoot in Manual Mode. I occasionally shoot in manual but honestly I don't 100% know what I'm doing so I usually get annoyed and switch to another mode half way through a photography shoot.

5. Start a small photography business. It's something I've been wanting to do but when I start thinking about interacting with other people I start to panic and rethink the whole idea. It would be nice help Jedidiah financially while still being able to stay at home and be a mom and wife first.

6. Share more DIY crafts on my blog. I actually do tons of crafts... ALL THE TIME but I don't usually share them cause I do them at night, which isn't the most ideal time to photograph projects. So I suppose this is a two part goal. Share more DIY craft tutorials & get lighting for when I do night crafts!

7. Travel to 1 place outside the U.S. I have my passport. I'd like to go at least one place this year outside the U.S, even if its just to Canada (I'm part Canadian) But if I can arrange it I'd like to goal for Ireland again (The other part of my family is Irish!) or possibly Norway cause it's not very far away and I'm a total crybaby when it comes to flying. Can't flying be like the movie The 5th Element and all of us get put into chambers where we're temporarily put to sleep till we arrive at our destination?!? Oh the stress I would save on flying... dare to dream.

8. Get up early and dressed more often! Being an at home mom means more time, well at home. And with a husband that works nights, it's put me on this weird sleeping pattern where I'm up very late and sleeping in till early afternoon. I'm determined to break it! I hate losing all my daylight hours! It's depressing.

9. Sew 3 full skirts. I've ALWAYS wanted to do this but never got around to trying it. I'm not a master sewer but decent enough. I love wearing skirts so this year I am determined to try making my own!

10. Explore 15 towns I've never been to.

11. Learn to pincurl my hair & style it more often. I have a default hair style and it's been basically the same style for the past 15+ years of my life. And while I'll probably keep some parts of it the same, I'd like to work on improving it more. Less heat more curl!

12. Do more activities with the kids. We are pretty hands on with the girls but I'd like to make more time for family game night, crafts, or just something new. I know our lives get busy and Jed goes out of town a lot so I would like to simply goal to do something new (craft or activity) 3 times a month. But hopefully more!

13. Take a class! I say this all the time but then chicken out because I'll most likely have to go alone and not have Jedidiah by my side. I never went to college. I got pregnant in high school and went straight into mom mode. Almost 15 years later I'm still caring for others and really haven't had a crazy huge drive to go to college. I have however always wanted to take photography, cooking, art, and Spanish classes. I'm just really shy and have a lot of anxiety about being around people I don't know without Jedidiah with me.

14. Paint 3 pictures. I use to paint all the time. Then stopped. I'd like to paint again, I have a whole house with bare wall in need of art!

15. Read 15 books! I read a ton 2 years ago then fell short last year reading only 4. I'm not like most readers I'm afraid, I have a more nerdy, dare I say teen-ish taste in books? If it's not supernatural or at the very least romantic I'll probably die of boredom. I do plan to break out of my shell a teensy bit and read a grownup book or two but I mostly plan to stick to my magical worlds. LOL! Currently I'm finishing Mortal Instruments book 5. I still have book 6 to read.

So there it is 15 goals for the year 2015! I tried to keep them small so I didn't get too overwhelmed but they still challenged me. I feel optimistic that I can accomplish all these. Wish me luck.

Do you have any goals for this year? I'd love to hear them. If you have a blog and you are sharing your goals post a link and I'll follow along. We can encourage each other through out the year!

Happy New Year!

Take Care & Enjoy,


  1. The start of the new year is such a great time to reflect and motivate yourself to make positive changes. These all seem like great goals for you and your family. A lot of them are similar to mine; take more photos, sew my own clothing, etc. I wrote a post about my top three here:

    Good luck in 2015!

    1. Just read your post! Great goals and start for a new year. Here's to staying determined and sticking to our goals 😊

  2. I think my comment got eaten (twice). Oops! Ah. Anyway. These are all such great goals! #1 is on my list, too, although I forgot to add it to my blog post! It's silly that such a simple thing should be so hard to do, but I think I just forget in the daily business of motherhood.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Yes! It's the little things we sometimes forget to do and yet play such a big part of our lives. I use to study and make time for God regularly but somewhere along the way got off track a bit. It's time to get back on track with a ton of things. I'm hopeful this is going to be such a better year! Happy New Year to you too Kristina!

  3. You go girl! I need to work on a lot of those things too. Let's keep each other going :)

    1. Yes! Let's, I'd love that. You have a great list too! You have a lot of great goals and things I hope to do this year too. I love camping but didn't get to go last year, we were so busy. We also try to visit state parks when ever possible. I loooove exploring. Oh and I chuckled when you mentioned the laundry thing. I'm terrible about getting it all prepped to put away but then it will piles up in baskets and on my dressers sometimes before I finally put it away even though it's all folded. *sigh* laundry isn't my most favorite chore but I refuse to let anyone else do it cause I'm so particular lol! Best of luck with your goals!!


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